Unique Rock Formations and Marine Life are on Display at Whale Point Trail, Wild Bight

Whale Point Trail, Wild Bight is an easy 8 km walking trail (return) from the base of the parking area. I’ve enjoyed the walk by Cailloux and Cape Norman Bay as you will typically see marine life that include whales, sea birds, icebergs and active fishers coasting along the water.

To get here you will have to travel the Viking Trail (Route 430) several hundred kilometres from Deer Lake and take Route 435 to Cook’s Harbour, which is more than 20 KM before you enter the town. Wild Bight is just two kilometres by gravel road on the left heading toward North Boat Harbour. You will pass through the community of Wild Bight and the trailhead, picnic table and parking area will be visible as you take the turn to go up the hill. If you reach the road to the Cape Norman Lighthouse, you have gone to far. A visit to the lighthouse is an absolute must and for those who appreciate rare plants and flowers you will want to spend some time viewing the limestone barrens in the area. I will certainly share my experience in a future article.

In last July, I made this visit and was not disappointed by the beautiful surroundings as I made my way to Whale Point and Christine Cove. I ended up extending my trail adventure by walking to Cape Norman lighthouse and spending some time soaking in the pure beauty of this place before I returned to my car on such a hot summer’s day.

Growing up on the Great Northern Peninsula, I truly took for granted the fact that I could see the water of the sea every morning. It wasn’t until I moved to Edmonton, Alberta for a year where I realized that being surrounded by water in some form was really important to me. As I walked along the shoreline, I could see the remains of sea urchin shells, beach glass, and incredible and truly unique rock formations. They were in abundance. Also, the sounds of boat engines as fishers were going back and forth the bay, the gentle waves would splash along the rocks, while an osprey or some other large bird flew overhead.

I strongly encourage you to keep walking and exploring Cape Norman and carefully following the rules to ensure the protection of the unique ecology that surrounds the flora around the limestone barrens. Make the trek of 5 more kilometres to North Boat Harbour. You can walk the Highlands picnic area, view the colour sheds and capture some beautiful scenery in this tiny fishing village. When back in Cook’s Harbour you can visit Garge Coates’ Point, a popular area for locals to enjoy an outdoor fire. The community has an incredible playground for youth and also equipment for adults to enjoy. You can pick up a lunch at Decker’s Store or if you are lucky the take-out at the Firehall.

Cape Norman Lighthouse

Find yourself exploring the Whale Point Trail and see something wild and unique in Wild Bight on the Great Northern Peninsula!

Learn more about the Great Northern Peninsula’s trails by clicking here.

Live Rural NL –

Christopher Mitchelmore


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