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Anchor Point and Deep Cove Ski Club Brings Snow West 2014 North

Snow West – A Western Newfoundland Winter Festival is experiencing its share of success and extending activities throughout the whole Western region to include both the South Coast and the Great Northern Peninsula. This is a great investment in finding a means to extend the winter tourism season.

The Town of Anchor Point and Deep Cove Ski Club answered the call, hosting a Family Snowshoe Night on Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 7 PM. Everyone is invited to a night with the snowflakes, moonlight and fresh air. They will also be serving up warm cups of hot chocolate. Contact (709) 465-2011 for more details.

The Northern Tip of the Peninsula has some of the longest winters, fabulous trails for snowmobiling, ski-ing and snowshoeing. What an opportunity to participate in Snow West and extend your Winter Season!

I hope all those locals and those from away enjoy a host of events. The calendar of events can be found at: Snow West program calendar tear off 2014 (5)

Experience the Great Northern Peninsula and all its winter beauty!

Live Rural NL

Christopher Mitchelmore, MHA
The Straits-White Bay North


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