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The Remarkable Berry Head Arch on the East Coast Trail

Mom and I at the Berry Head Arch on the East Coast Trail

Completing the East Coast Trail was a goal of mine and I had planned to finish on the Spurwink Island Path to see this remarkable arch feature at Berry Head. I opted to move up some of my trails due to the weather and conditions and couldn’t have been happier to do this 20.4 KM trail from Port Kirwan to Aquaforte.

We parked one vehicle at the Welcome to Aquaforte sign at the bridge on Route 10 (Southern Shore Highway) and headed into Port Kirwan where there is a designated parking lot and a trek up the gravel road. We had been down this road before because on our previous trail from Renews to Fermeuse, we met Reg and Cathy at their home and they invited us in and gave us a complete tour of the area. I’ll write more about these two a little more when I share my experience on that trail. However, they are a gift to any hiker that encounters them. Truly good souls.

The first serveral kilometres are very well maintained and provided for excellent hiking through forests and along the coastline.

You can even capture views again of the Ferryland Lighthouse. It is a common point of interest along many of the East Coast Trails in this area from Calvert to Renews.

The berries are quite large and visible at Berry Head. We stopped for lunch at this location and really enjoyed the view. We walked up on the arch and eventually continued on to the Aquaforte route.

Berry Head Arch

A grouse greeted us on the trail but hurried along and disappeared in the bushes when hearing us come near. I loved the viewpoints of Spurwink Island and seeing more of the coastlines, beaches and irregular shaped trees, rock faced cliffs and for mushroom forages, maybe this place is a paradise.

As we headed up the hill, there was a moose calling in the field. I didn’t capture a photo, but it’s evident that the trip was unmatched by perfect weather and experiences. My momma and I were covering a lot of ground.

Set goals, make a lists and achieve them. I’m looking forward to returning to The East Coast Trail. It’s truly one of the province’s best assets. You can support them by buying a membership for $25.00. As a charity, they provide you with a tax receipt.

Live Rural NL –

Christopher Mitchelmore

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