Icebergs on Display at John Patey’s Trail, St. Carols, NL

St. Carols is picturesque. This tiny community of about 60 people neighbours the Town of St. Anthony and is a tourists dream for capturing images of icebergs!

Impressive Iceberg, St. Carol’s, NL

When on the Great Northern Peninsula, just minutes before you enter St. Anthony on the Viking Trail (Route 430) there is a road to St. Anthony Bight. Before you get to St. Anthony Bight you will have to take a left on the route to Great Brehat and before you reach that community a right turn and 3 KM will take you down an impressive hill that will make you go wow, into beautiful St. Carols.

This fishing community is home to the iceberg hunters, musical talent and is steeped in local rural traditions. You can see proudly painted lighthouses, caplin or squids drying and have an opportunity to enjoy John Patey’s Trail.

John Patey’s Trail is only a 0.5 KM trek and certainly won’t take long to complete. Although it may be short in length, it isn’t short in the many spectacular views. You won’t get lost in St. Carol’s. Take the road toward the wharf and park there by the colourful stairs, instead of taking the only other road up the hill. There’s a few steps, but if you take your time the return journey should be more than 20 minutes. There are panels and a picnic table at the top or seating at the bottom if you wish to rest and enjoy a snack.

Along the trail is a great opportunity to see whales, icebergs, sea birds and fishing boats. Depending on the time of year you visit, you may also get to pick some delicious wildberries.

Visiting the community of St. Carols and also the two neighbouring communities of Great Brehat and St. Anthony Bight also offer spectacular views and amazing hikes. Great Brehat had the Flat Point Trail and Little Brehat Trail and St. Anthony Bight offers Silver Point to the Flat Rocks and the Loop Trail.

There are many destinations on the Great Northern Peninsula. For a little splash of colour visit St. Carols.

Learn more about the Great Northern Peninsula’s more than 80 trails by clicking here.

Live Rural NL –

Christopher Mitchelmore


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