A walk around Stuckless Pond in Gros Morne National Park

Stuckless Pond

Stuckless Pond Trail is about a 10.3 KM hike that follows the old logging road and skirts the shores of secluded Stuckless Pond.

Lomond River Bridge

The trail crosses the Lomond River bridge, which offers nice camera shots.

View from the Lomond River Bridge

Enjoy the steady climb up and then the relatively flat circling of a sheltered pond. The forested valley was very beautiful and I can only imagine what it would be like with the many colours of Fall. There were a couple of muddy sections so proper footwear is required.

There are markings noting your distance along the trail which is quite helpful. We enjoyed the lush greenery and saw a few toads along the way.

Gros Morne National Park is full of nature and wildlife. Enjoy all that this gem has to offer on the Great Northern Peninsula. Trail is located on Route 431 prior to reaching Glenburnie. It shares a trail head with Lomond River and is close to Kildevil and Lomond Park.

Live Rural NL –

Christopher Mitchelmore

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