The Camel’s Back Trail provides magical views

View from the Camel’s Back

Route 436 has destination trails and the Iceberg Trail links up many community trails from L’anse aux Meadows to St. Lunaire.

Taking the short hike on the Camel’s Back Trail is well worth it. You have to find yourself in Dark Tickle area of St Lunaire-Griquet. The trailhead sign has designated parking but you basically have to walk up or by a private driveway to connect to this trail.

After hiking the region before, I had a much better understanding of what I was looking at near the coastlines below. In one photo, I was able to capture Abandoned Fortune. Read more here: Finding (Abandoned) Fortune on the GNP!

Abandoned Fortune
Views around the top

There’s an observation deck, benches and picnic tables to enjoy the views along the trail to take time and capture memories.

The trail has a mix of forests, fields, coastal views and some inclines.

Live Rural NL –

Christopher Mitchelmore

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