The Caribou Make the Visit to the GNP More Memorable

The majestic caribou are often visible at roadside on Route 430 (The Viking Trail) near St. Anthony Airport.


These animals can be seen in various parts of the island and even on Fogo Island there is a small herd. I love seeing photos of the caribou in Port au Choix and their young at the Point Riche Lighthouse. It’s well worth the 13 KM turn-off to experience them and the offering of Indigenous, French and other things to do in this historic fishing community.

Travels to Main Brook will often have to stopping on Grenfell Drive (Route 432) to let them cross. There are many roadside gardens as you enter Hare Bay. I would recommend a stay at the Tuckamore Country Inn and Lodge, with host Barbara Genge, who has been operating for 35 years. If you want an outdoor hunting, fishing or wilderness experience, she can certainly deliver.

The caribou are grazing near the partridgeberry grounds and as winter approaches and the Transportation department adds road salt, you will want to be extra cautious when driving these routes as the animals are slow to react.

A glimpse of a caribou and their young will only add to the unique experience you can have when visiting rural Newfoundland and Labrador.

Live Rural NL –

Christopher Mitchelmore

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